Welcome to 4D4M D07 N37  b t e

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Cisco Live, the Half Way Mark

Well it�s my third day in Orlando and my second day attending Cisco Live. I have to say as my first time at Cisco Live and really my first time a major conference I�m really getting a little over loaded. Granted today was a lot better than yesterday. Learning the lay out of the conference and the schedule of the buses and food. Trying to digest all the information of a break out just as you�re walking into another one. Over whelming can be an understatement, especially when at the end of all that you drop i...

Regex, A Love Hate Relationship.

So I'm working on my blog obsessively lately and I realize I'm really going to want to put some code up here since I work on a lot of little script and I tend to spend a lot of time in CLIs of switches, appliances, and my Linux boxes. So in my last post I put together a little code so that I could present the code I wrote to get my unauthorized twitter feed. The need for this got me running down a long and dark hole of regex, which even though its frustrating its still good because I do use it from time to ...

The Site Face Lift Continues

Today I focused mainly on getting the site's look finished up. I'm pretty happy with the layout and the overall stylization of the site. The biggest addition today was finishing up the some things with the 'blog list' site which is now the default page of the site. This site will list the latest five, or whatever I decide later, blog post. It list them out newest to oldest and displays the first 512 characters of the post. Then cuts it off and offers you a 'More' link that takes you into the old style blog ...

Cisco Live!

So just another quick update from my adventures in rebooting my site. I've checked a couple things off my list. First I added titles to my blog entries. I also updated the RSS feed to reflect appropriate information. I did some updating on the back end to help with that too. Across the top I updated the links to social sites. I was hoping to get a little farther tonight but I unfortunately / amazingly ran into a backup of an old PHP / curl monitoring tool I wrote for work and decided if I could get it back ...

Return Of cURLmon, Kind Of.

So just another quick update from my adventures in rebooting my site. I've checked a couple things off my list. First I added titles to my blog entries. I also updated the RSS feed to reflect appropriate information. I did some updating on the backend to help with that too. Across the top I updated the links to social sites. I was hoping to get a little farther tonight but I unfortunately / amazingly ran into a backup of an old PHP / curl monitoring tool I wrote for work and decided if I could get it back u...

The Reboot.

So I wanted to do a quick update here and let everyone know (which really isn't anyone but the people in my head) that I'm rebooting the website. I know in the past I've talked big about making updates and keep content flowing on the site and I never delivered. So this time no empty promises because there are no promises. Basically I have a couple things in mind that will happen in the next couple of weeks and those things consist of a little bit of a restructure of the site and a change of content. I want ...

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